Meet Gabriela Cerpa - Gardena
Workforce Challenge:
The South Bay Workforce Investment Board’s (SBWIB), Transitional Subsidized Employment Program (TSE) has been continually utilized by the United States Veterans Initiative of Los Angeles (U.S. Vets). U.S. VETS programs provide candidates with valuable on-the-job training and other services to homeless and at-risk veterans and their families.
Workforce Solution:
Gabriela Cerpa, Gardena resident, was a recent TSE participant assigned to U.S. VETS. In 2014, after fifteen (15) years of working for a local car rental company, Gabriela was laid off. After months of unsuccessful job searches, her unemployment insurance benefits expired. Reluctantly, this single mother of three boys had no other choice but to apply for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families program (TANF) at the Los Angeles County Department of Public Social Services (DPSS).
Outcome and Benefits:
Initially feeling defeated, Gabriela continued going on several interviews, improved her interviewing skills and attended workshops. Working closely with the program staff, her confidence, and options increased. Motivated by the support of the staff, she utilized all the services provided to her, was placed at US VETS as a participant and subsequently hired full time, as a Program Assistant.
“My advice to other participants is, don’t give up. I now have a job that allows me to take care of my family and work in my field of study. I would never have thought I would be here today from walking in the One-Stop office that day.”