Career Services

One-Stop Centers offer convenient access to a wide array of services. Job information, training and job placement services including job club, labor market information, career workshops, job and career placement assistance, individualized assessment and much more are available. All of our services are free!
Assessment of your skills, abilities and interests.
Career counseling to help you find a rewarding job and increase your earning potential
Job training and career workshops.
Computer introduction and advanced training.
Assistive technologies are available to those with disabilities.
Internet Job Search is available as a self-directed resource tool.
Career Resource Center equipped with current technology and knowledgeable staff.
Assistance with job placement.
Labor market information listing available occupation opportunities.
Office equipment such as phones, faxes, computers and copiers available.
Career Exploration is designed to help you determine what careers are available that you are qualified for and are consistent with your employment goals and desires.
Resume assistance to help your skills, experience and education shine for the job you want.
Interviewing assistance designed to help you fine tune your techniques.
Support services are available for those who qualify. Priority of service is given to veterans and eligible spouses.

Job club is a workshop environment where you have the unique opportunity to network with fellow job seekers and design your own structured career search strategy.
Job placement for dislocated workers - Workers laid off either due to plant closure or downsizing, or who have been out of work for prolonged periods, may be eligible to receive retraining/transition services including On-the-Job Training (OJT) program, classroom training or customized training for in-demand occupations. Training is designed to re-employ workers by developing and matching transferable skills with job opportunities in growing industries.