One Stop Career Centers Monthly Workshops
Inglewood 1-Stop
Linked-In Workshop
WIA Info Session (must sign up)
Resume & Interview Workshop
Typing Assessment
EDD Rep. and Veteran Rep. On-site
Expungement (must sign up)
Youth Job Club (Rm. 301)
Gardena 1-Stop
DOR Rep. Onsite
Typing Assessment
WIA Info Session (must sign up)
Veteran Rep. Onsite
Torrance 1-Stop
WIOA Info Session (must sign up)
Career Coach
Youth Orientation (Mondays 5-6)
Resume & Interview Workshop
Carson 1-Stop
Typing Assement
Job Search and Readiness
Workpop provides tools to enable businesses to easily create job listings by filling out requirements, job descriptions, and information about the workplace. Since many of these jobs have a high turnover rate, businesses can reuse listings after they’re taken down if a similar job becomes vacant again
R E S O U R C E S & W O R K S H O P S

Career Development Workshops
Resume Workshop
Create an effective resume or improve the one you already have. Learn different resume formats and the advantages and disadvantages of each. Avoid the common mistakes and improve your current resume to develop a better chance of gaining an invitation to a job interview. Transform your resume into a powerful tool that will get you interviews!
Interview Workshop
Ace your next interview! The most simple interview questions can be the most difficult to answer. Learn how to handle questions about your salary requirements, your weaknesses, and your strengths. Discover effective, proven techniques to prepare you for tough job interviews. Learn how to discuss your qualifications, assess your abilities and skills, and sell yourself. Review frequently asked questions, and interview do’s and don’ts.

Job Search/Networking Workshop
Technology has changed the rules of job hunting. Receive essential information you need to approach the job market. We will teach you how to create a plan for targeting your job search in challenging economic times.
Learn how to find job leads through networking. You will also write a “30 second commercial” that you can use to spotlight your unique job-related talents whenever you meet a person who might help you in your job search.

PROVE IT Computer Skills Testing
Scannable Resume Workshop
Expungement Workshop
Senior Job Search Workshop
For more information please visit a One-Stop location nearest you.
Other Workshops Include:
Get Business Help
Investment Guide
Business Permits
GO-Biz Programs
Relocate / Expand
The Governor’s Office of Business and Economic Development (GO-Biz) was created by Governor Edmund G. Brown Jr. to serve as California’s single point of contact for economic development and job creation efforts. GO-Biz offers a range of services to business owners including: attraction, retention and expansion services, site selection, permit streamlining, clearing of regulatory hurdles, small business assistance, international trade development, assistance with state government, and much more.